Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to...ME!!!!

So here it is again....My birthday...I LOVE my birthday, for no particular reason other than it is my day to shine.

I started my birthday out in a not so birthday like fashion.  I went to the doctors for that oh so lovely yearly exam! Why I chose to have this scheduled on this particular day I am not sure.  But anyway there I am on the table feeling quite vulnerable and it hit me...I had an epiphany!!!! I decided right there and then that this year I am blogging at least 33 posts..Enough of this blogger block, I am clearing the cobwebs!!!  You may ask "why the random number 33?"  It is quite a random number but that is indeed how old I turned today!! Can you believe it?  I know your wondering how in the world I could possibly be that old... That means 33 years until I am 66 and 66 years until I am 99, but for today and the next 364 days I am very content to just be 33.

So after the doctors is really when I decided to start my birthday celebrations.  I came home and had a birthday party in my pj's on the couch with my little pups, Maci, and of course a good book.  That I finished by the way. All of a sudden this summer I got on this reading wagon and OMW the wagon will not stop!! I just keep on reading! If you have any good books I need to read please feel free to pass on the title....Oops sorry got a little side tracked. Where was I oh yeah birthday party on the couch, pj's, Maci, anyway that is when I got a phone call from one of my OLDER sisters who asked me to go out for lunch.  So I headed to the Fireside for a great lunch. Little did I know it was going to be like lunch at the old peoples home! We were by far the youngest people in the whole place. I think they must give major discounts for the 75 and over crowd. In walks 14 purple hat society ladies all sporting their purple shirts, and pants, red hats all in a different style and red shoes.  I swear they must pass around a catalog because all of their shoes were the same.  Anyway to say the least lunch was quite entertaining!  Thanks sister for the visit to the old peoples home, but I do not think I am ready for that just yet!!!

After lunch I had a visit from my mother who very rarely comes for visits, so that was nice.  She brought along my grandmothers or great gmas recipe for angel food cake.  mmm mmm I can not wait to make that one.  I am sure it will not taste near as good as I remember it tasting, but I will give it a whirl..  Did you ever wonder why that is?  Why can I never make potato soup that tastes like my mothers?  I guess somethings are just better left for someone else to do! 

Then it was time for work where they sang happy birthday to me not once but twice and gave me an angel food cake which is my favorite cake if anyone is wondering.( And no I do not eat any other kind of cake!!)

When I came home from work there were 5 HOMEMADE cards laying on the kitchen island. I know for sure that was my favorite part of the day.  Four of them confessing that I am the best mommy and that they love me this much..... And one of them confessing that I am the best wife.  In all my 33 years those are the moments that matter the most..  Blessings, Meghan...